
Showing posts from August, 2020

Candy Corn Craft Giveaway

I am running a Candy Corn Craft Giveaway right now in Facebook. If you win, you will get all the supplies needed to make these cute Candy Corn Fall Decorations. Wood blanks, paint (yellow, orange, white), ribbon, twine, small piece of sandpaper.  All you need is a paintbrush and scissors.   I want to put the instructions on here how to paint them.   It is better if you do one candy piece at a time so your paint can blend together.  Otherwise it dries too fast and you have to remix and blend colors.  I chose to paint all sides in case I were to set them out on an island.  It is your choice if you want to leave the backside unfinished. The easiest way is to prime the whole wood piece with white paint.  This will help all the colors to be more vibrant.   --Note---I made this mistake.  I put pencil marks around where the colors should go.  I could not get the paint to cover the pencil marks   So just estimate it or use...

How Did All This Start?

WHY I STARTED AN ONLINE BOUTIQUE AND COMPANY BRAND 1.  Retired due to age, burnout, trigeminal neuralgia  2.  Needed a focus in my life 3.  My Mom was diagnosed with CANCER I needed a focus in my life.   I needed to concentrate on something other than feeling like I was growing too old to work or growing too ill to contribute.  I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia in 2014.   (I will do a separate post about this illness sometime soon, but it comes and goes and gets worse with time.) I had been semi-retired since 2018 after a new emergence of my illness.  BUT....... after Thanksgiving of 2019 the dreaded "C" word came into my life.   My Mom showed me a tumor she had growing in her throat.   It was to the point that she could not hide it.   She wanted to wait until after the holidays before seeing a doctor.   She had moved to Louisiana and did not yet have a primary doctor here.   So I knew it was going to be a lengthy ...

Impressionism Sunflowers, How I made this Porch Leaner

Impressionism Sunflowers A porch leaner does not have to always go outside.  I put mine in an empty corner that needed some cheering up. I started with a cedar fence slat.  My Mom cut the slat in half.  This section is 36 inches long.  I then sanded it and painted it a very, very light gray and sanded it again.  I like a smooth surface and a distressed look.  Below are the paints I used and brushes I used. Next I used a ribbon container to make the inside circles of the sunflower.  I hand drew a petal to use for a pattern.  I knew I wanted to fit 3 flowers on the leaner.  It took a few times to get the right size. I then started tracing the circle 3 times.  A full circle in the middle and the top and bottom circle are a half circles.  I used a pencil because I knew I was going to trace over in dark brown paint and it wouldn't show through.  But if you are going straight for yellow paint you may want to use a chalk pencil. ...